Family photographs in Fayetteville, Arkansas
The Importance of Generational Photographs
When was the last time you had family photographs taken? Was it your nuclear family (parents & children) or did you include grandparents as well? It is difficult to coordinate your own family unit with parent work and volunteer schedules plus your children's sports/art/parties/activities schedules, but adding in grandparents that may or may not live close by is a whole other headache that I totally understand. But if you can manage to coordinate it (think family gathering holidays like Thanksgiving, New Year, Memorial Day, etc.), you will have photographs to cherish forever.

How often to update family portraits
I absolutely love family photographs (of course!) so I update mine every year, but for most families I suggest to plan in your family portraits once every 3 years or so. The only change to this rule is a life-changing event like a new baby, a new pet, or an illness/loss and therefore I recommend scheduling family photographs immediately even if you had them within the last year.
When we consider children, I highly recommend a session for the child every year in the first 5 years of life (they grow so much so quickly and we can capture all of the fun and adorable moments).

One NWA family waited how long for new family photographs?
The family pictured here waited 12 years for new family photographs that included all three generations (that is about the age of the oldest child). And look at this new photograph they have below with grandparents to grandchildren included.
Don't worry, I will make sure they get photographs again before the youngest is 12 years old. And if we waited, one will enter and finish high school, one will graduate kindergarten, three with graduate middle school, and that littlest one would be in middle school — doesn't that sound like a lot of missed moments if they waited 12 years again?

Other photographs to update during your family session:
One of the bonuses of a family session is getting to capture photographs that rarely get taken like a formal portrait of grandparents, of mom & dad, or sibling portraits! I also always encourage individual portraits of each child to be taken to highlight their personality at their current age and not only as part of the family. Look how cute all of the combinatons of the family are below.
Family photographs are easier when children are younger (before middle school usually when after school activites start packing the schedule). Later, I encourage you to schedule family sessions during the holidays when y'all get together around Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and more.
Contact me now to schedule your next family photography session or join my newsletter to be reminded for the next holiday gathering. See you soon!