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Family photographs in Fayetteville, Arkansas

The Importance of Generational Photographs

When was the last time you had family photographs taken? Was it your nuclear family (parents & children) or did you include grandparents as well? It is difficult to coordinate your own family unit with parent work and volunteer schedules plus your children's sports/art/parties/activities schedules, but adding in grandparents that may or may not live close by is a whole other headache that I totally understand. But if you can manage to coordinate it (think family gathering holidays like Thanksgiving, New Year, Memorial Day, etc.), you will have photographs to cherish forever.

Family photographs

How often to update family portraits

I absolutely love family photographs (of course!) so I update mine every year, but for most families I suggest to plan in your family portraits once every 3 years or so. The only change to this rule is a life-changing event like a new baby, a new pet, or an illness/loss and therefore I recommend scheduling family photographs immediately even if you had them within the last year.

When we consider children, I highly recommend a session for the child every year in the first 5 years of life (they grow so much so quickly and we can capture all of the fun and adorable moments).

Family photographs

One NWA family waited how long for new family photographs?

The family pictured here waited 12 years for new family photographs that included all three generations (that is about the age of the oldest child). And look at this new photograph they have below with grandparents to grandchildren included.

Don't worry, I will make sure they get photographs again before the youngest is 12 years old. And if we waited, one will enter and finish high school, one will graduate kindergarten, three with graduate middle school, and that littlest one would be in middle school — doesn't that sound like a lot of missed moments if they waited 12 years again?

Family photographs

Other photographs to update during your family session:

One of the bonuses of a family session is getting to capture photographs that rarely get taken like a formal portrait of grandparents, of mom & dad, or sibling portraits! I also always encourage individual portraits of each child to be taken to highlight their personality at their current age and not only as part of the family. Look how cute all of the combinatons of the family are below.

Family photographs are easier when children are younger (before middle school usually when after school activites start packing the schedule). Later, I encourage you to schedule family sessions during the holidays when y'all get together around Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and more.

Contact me now to schedule your next family photography session or join my newsletter to be reminded for the next holiday gathering. See you soon!

FHS Class of 2024: Senior Photographs in Eureka Springs and Crystal Bridges Museum of Art

Planning a Senior Photography Session in NWA

This featured Senior came to me saying she dislikes being in front of the camera. She knew she wanted a long session so she could not feel rushed and would have time for multiple outfits. And finally she knew that she wanted to take photographs in her native Eureka Springs as well as at Crystal Bridges on the trails.

With this knowledge, we began our planning session by selecting her top five outfits (from hair & makeup to footwear, we plan it all ahead together). I then had her decide which outfits wanted at which location. And finally, because I knew her aversion to the camera, I suggested we start with the most casual and comfortable outfit and location to build confidence throughout her photography session.

Family photographs

Fall in Northwest Arkansas

Our (months in advance) planned date happened to give us the peak Autumn leaves and WOW did they pair perfecting with her hair. The day was probably one of the coldest yet of the season so not shown is her mom to the side with jacket and blanket ready to warm up in between locations. This black sweater with washed jeans was her second outfit — do you see the confidence already building?

Historic Eureka Springs as a Backdrop

Born and raised in Eureka, she wound me expertly through the side streets, alleys, and these gorgeous stairs, to start our session to an abandoned brick building. I started with wide shots, made her twirl (she hated it but it made her laugh), and got her talking before I went in close with my camera and captured this first photograph (top left). I immediately turned the camera screen to show her how STUNNING she was and from there the smirks turned to smizes (smiling with the eyes) to finally the full natural smile (bottom right).

Let the Personality Shine

Three ways she described herself that we were able to capture in her senior photography session:

  1. She is a girly sneakerhead (noun: a sneaker enthusiast)

  2. Her pup brings her the most love and happiness

  3. She loves art and is an aspiring artist herself

Personality "Pics" are the best and most cherished photographs from senior sessions and I am confident she will love these forever (especially the photograph with her pup that is going up framed on her wall).

Fierce & Confident

When she showed me her last two outfits (and the SHOES) I knew we had to create save these for last when the confidence was at its height. Artwork, her car, and finally HER FIERCE SELF popped on camera and was palpable in person. This was the moment that her mom had the "you are all grown up" moment. This was the moment she was feeling herself and gave it her all. And she did this in 5 inch heels, in 40 degree weather, and in the rain. This senior is going to be a boss in the next stage of her life with this confidence to carry her into adulthood.

I love to build custom sessions for high schools seniors and this was a perfect example of an experience that she will remember forever and photographs to cherish (and look back on remembering that fierce confidence).

Could you see her confidence grow in the photographs?

Which was your favorite Senior Photograph from her extended session?


Be sure to follow me on Instagram or sign up for my newsletter so you can reach out when it is time for YOUR custom Senior Photography session in Northwest Arkansas, New York City, and more!

Writer's picture: HannahHannah

Session Recap: Central Park for their first family photographs

When a client returns to me, not only is it super fun because we already know each other, but it tells me that I served them well the previous session and they are looking for the same boutique, custom service again for their printed portraits.

Central Park family photographs
Central Park family photographs

I photographed baby for his Newborn photographs and now, less than a year later, it was time for the family's first session together.

Mom, Dad, baby, and pup all got their best coordinated (with my help) clothes on and met me at Central Park. I had walked the park entrance they like the previous week and got Mom's favorite locations chosen ahead of the session. With all of this prep to make sure it was an easy session, we were able to concentrate on keeping baby and pup happy and looking at the camera.

Central Park Fall Family Photographs
Central Park Fall Family Photographs

What are you most looking forward to for your photography session?

Mom said before the session that she was most looking forward to "having our first family pictures taken" and we absolutely achieved that goal. Previous to this, all that Mom and Dad could share online or with family were selfies. They now have professional family photographs of all four of them together!

Central Park Fall Family Photographs
Central Park Fall Family Photographs

What three words or phrases would you use to describe your loved one(s) in the session?

We channeled their desired "smiley, supportive, & cuddly" vibes throughout the session. We had planned ahead and the parents brought pup's favorite squeaker toys for me to have in my pocket (or right about the camera) — the family was able to cuddle and concentrate on each other while I made sure everyone was looking at the camera. And just LOOK at their smiles, so natural and happy.

Central Park Fall Family Photographs
Central Park Fall Family Photographs

Why did you decide to invest in portraits? Why are they important to you?

Not only did I follow up because I knew baby was approaching the 10-12 month mark (so fast), but both parents knew it was time for a session too. "To remember this time in our lives since it goes by so quickly." I have seen the family in the neighborhood a few times in between the newborn session and this Fall session — I got to watch as baby got bigger, he started to hold his head up on his own, his eyes got brighter, his hair got lighter, and both parents went back to work. Time slips away and pretty soon he will be walking, talking, and a bit more squirmy for photographs — which is why I love the 10-12 month age for family photographs as babies are still happy in parents' arms but can see and understand to look at the camera.

Central Park Fall Family Photographs
Central Park Fall Family Photographs

Where do you plan to display your final custom printed artwork?

Fall family photographs are a GREAT time to get double use of your professional photographs. Not only can you get the beautiful wall artwork for your home (and maybe grandparents' homes) but you can also get Holiday cards. Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, calendar New Year, Luna New Year, or more, it is a great time to send out some happy snail mail to friends and family. I am also a graphic designer so I custom design holiday cards and can do the entire process for you (design, print, stamp, and mail). Read more about custom holiday cards in this blog post. This family's goal was "making holiday cards and a print for a frame" and I am so excited to deliver these products for them.

Central Park Fall Family Photographs
Central Park Fall Family Photographs

Your turn?

Follow me on Instagram or sign up for my newsletter so that when it is your time for family photographs, you know who to contact.

Comment below, I would LOVE to know which is your favorite final photograph from this family's Central Park Fall photography session.

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